
this message may be offensive
Yo ever just see your old shit and you’re like what the actual fuck was happening. Anyways hi I’m alive and I read through some of this shit and it’s cringe as fuck, kinda funny tbh


.:; A new Masky and Hoodie lemon should be out either tomorrow, or this weekend. Keep an eye out! ;:.


.:; finished it yesterday night ;:.


.:; I like how I said that 5 days ago and I still have yet to finish it. It's almost to the climax I swear //pun intended//;:. 


.:; So I know I said I would post a new chapter of will you remember me BUUUT I've been dedicating almost all of my time to working on an animation made to the song Nightmare by Set it off (I think ). It'll be a marble hornets tribute as well, focusing around Brian cause I just love him I really do. This'll be my first real animation that I'll be finishing. Currently, I'm just a little less than halfway through the sketches. I hope you're all as excited as I am for this to finish ^u^ in the meantime, mainly at night or just when i have an idea, I'll try and work on some lemons for you all :P I've probably been waaaay too fluffy for a while //pfft, more like inactive//. Be on the look out ^u^ ;:.


.:; School is out and life is going pretty damn well right now (other than a few very personal things but ya know I'm surviving). I managed to meet MrCreepyPasta himself (about like, a little over a week ago maybe) which is what's making me the happiest at the moment. I've also begun animating once more, and I'm excited to plan out these Ideas and get started. I'll make sure to work on chapter covers and stories at night or whenever I'm not busy so be expecting the next chapter of my new Will you remember me soon ^u^ Thank you to those who actually read my things and hang around this weird little account. It means a lot wether or not I show it. ;:.


Ah I see that ^u^ welcome 


.:; soooo hey, when I manage to hit 100 followers  I'm debating on what to do. I was thinking I'd give a list of my ships and If any of you have an idea for one then I'd do it. It would be one per-person (unless I REAAALLLYY like someone ideas)but if you think it'll crash and burn please recommend some other ideas. I am somewhat of an artist so I could do paper requests .3. That's an idea ;:.