
I've written a new book and it's a devotional!! Please check it out and share your thoughts! ❤️


Okay, so this monday I am going to be taking An Eight Letter Word Called Reighley off wattpad so I can work on it and the three books im working on. I'm stupid and I got caught up in my other books and AELWCR has been deprived of all of my creativity and time so I'm going to take it off so I can give it some TLC. But look foreward to three other books I'm working on =P lol i'm so ADD Alright well I thought I'd let you guys know, thanks for the support! Sincerely- MasqueradedAuthor


Hey guys! So first and foremost I want to thank you guys for being my fans, love ya! Secondly I just recently put up my testimony, my life so to say. I want to ask you guys to read it, please don't be critical and judgemental bc im not that way with you! I hope you enjoy the insight on my life if you're touched by it or if you can relate let me know because hopefully and more than likely there are others like you and I who go through crap in their life but together we can be strong! Awesome! Have a great day!!!