
Halfway through chapter five now. The book's a grand total of 20k now. 


Since clearly no one is interested in my existence, I will proceed to try and shut up now. 


@MasqueradingAsAHuman, haha. I used to think this when I wrote my first dozen messages on my message board. 


Thinking about the Railroad Man from Old Gods of Appalachia. God, how I hate-love him. I really wish season 4 would be come out already. It's been like a month since that one teaser (, but I live in hope! I also hope that if it ever does materialize, we learn more about the Lockes and their connection with the Railroad Man and just (even) more Railroad Man in general. Actually, scratch that. I just need more OGoA. Also, I for one would love to see The Boy (you know the one) meet the Barrows. You know, it's a shame Polly survived Ep. 50 because I would've loved it if that pretty face of hers were ripped clean off. Anyway, I can see that encounter being VERY entertaining to say the least of it. 


Yesterday I was in the Trianon and it was pretty, mainly in the outdoor garden parts. There was this really cool-looking pond like something out of fantasy, though I was afraid my younger siblings might just fall in because they kept leaning over to toss in sticks and stones (which REALLY made me uneasy -___-). We went to Chateau itself, like the main one, the day before. Which I guess what was pretty, but I think Marie Antoinette had the right idea and I, too, much prefer the Trianon. And then today we had to take five different trains to get from Versailles to Bath (in England), and had to climb up a hill in the rain (which wasn't actually so bad, and the place we went for dinner was to die for) but lugging a heavy backpack around all day (and up a hill especially) is a hellish agony like no other. I think my shoulder might take a while before it stops aching. 
          But I know that my vacation isn't what any of you really want to hear about. You know, assuming anyone bothers to read this. I just finished writing and publishing my floriography book and I'm still happy. That's the first book I've ever actually managed to complete! The project farthest along is the Hunger Games one. I've been working on it for a while (recently began the fifth chapter). I don't believe it'll be finished this year, because I'm lazy like that. Maybe next year? At any rate, don't hold your breath (I type as if anyone is).The second one is still being plotted,  and I'm not sure I'll be publishing that one this year either. Maybe just a teaser or something. Anyway, I've prattled on enough (for now) and I'm out of my stories I actually want to talk about, so I should probably leave you alone now. Best of wishes! 


On a trip to England and France this month! Currently in Paris. It's pretty hot. Saw the original Monet 'Waterlilies' today, and yesterday I went to the Louvre, where I saw the Antea painting (it's also called 'Portrait of a Young Woman', apparently) painted by some Parmigianino guy. Who was Italian, not French, but it's on loan from Naples and it. Is. GORGEOUS. Just made it my new profile pic, in fact. I love my family's cats, but something about this painting feels more appropriate for that role (as my pic). Anyway, won't be writing all that much, taking it easy while on vacation. Hope you're all doing well. 


Hey! I wonder where you got your profile picture from?


@NightFalcon99 It's of one of our cats, Miranda, sitting in the coils of my plush snake




Chapter Eight has been released!


The eighth chapter should be ready for release soon!


Do you like my story The 134th HG?