
Sorry for the wait, but it will be a bit longer for The Lost Sister chapter. Thank you for your patient waiting. 




Hello, everyone. I will be updating my creation stories' chapters, fixing as many mistakes as I can find. For The Lost Sister, I have an ending, but am still working on the next chapter currently. It will be released next month. I'm very sorry for the wait. I'm still taking suggestions for a few of my stories, if you read them. Thank you. 


Hey, all. I will be slowly updating my stories so, please, be patient. I'm glad that you all enjoy my stories, and would enjoy suggestions about my stories from you guys... and gals, I won't forget you. Please, just let me know anytime. Thank you all again. 


I'm really very sorry that it is taking me a while to update my stories. I absolutely guarantee that they will be updated before mid-September, but am not sure when. Thank you for the patience. If you wish, you may reply, but there isn't an obligation to.