@YvanUng For your first question, I would say it is pretty common among collegiate athletes coming to college with some AP courses. Some come in with academic and sport scholarships, just an sport scholarship, or even just an academic scholarship, or neither. For me I came in with 6 of those credits of course and a friend of mine didn't. It kind of varies among what you may have done in high school and going on to college as well as what major your trying to go for too, if those course would slide over or be accepted into that University.
For your second question, it is common for collegiate athletes to be competitive academically too even between other teams. Say for example, Women's Track and Men's Track compete over the highest GPA then it varies to Cross Country (XC) and The Track and Field Team (TF) competiting with the GPA. At the end of the year or during football season or other sport seasons there usually be announcements of 5 student athletes with the highest grade average posted on the boards and yes those athletes can be from any sport too. Even in College Track and Field, all academics is still a thing.