
I have updated 000 finally!


Good news everyone! I am 70 pages down, I can confidently say that 000 will be updated later today. It is midnight as I am making this message so yeah. Unless something happens I will let you all know ASAP but as it stands get ready for later today. GOODNIGHT EVERYBODY AND SWEET DREAMS!!!


News everyone! I have done another ten pages of the script making 30 down and 50 more to go. I do apologize for taking so long, I have been job hunting and recently had a medical emergency. I'm fine, nothing like a broken bone or something like that, but it is impeding on the progress. I will continue to do my best to get this chapter done for you all.


Hey guys the author here. I just wanted to let you know that I saw the Nintendo direct and they cooked with this one. I can't wait for-
          Huh. Who's that?
          *Opens door*
          Y/N (Metroid): Hey, I was told to come here. Are you The Writer?
          Y/N (Metroid): Oh, sweet.
          Well, let's go to my office. We should have a talk.