Deborah Lacks, Henrietta’s fourth born child, learns about her mother’s history in 1973, well after she should’ve. From thereafter she proceeds to investigate her older sister, Elsie.
Elsie was Henrietta’s second born child. She was institutionalized because of being diagnosed with epilepsy, and the family received news of her death when she was only 15 years old. Further research by Deborah and the author of this book, Rebecca Skloot, proves that Elsie’s death wasn’t just because of her condition. Her death certificate had reports of ‘respiratory failure’, ‘epilepsy’, ‘cerebral palsy’ and more. The Hospital for the Negro Insane was where she was being kept for five years before she died there, and conditions were overcrowded with about one doctor per 225 patients. The hospital ‘lost’ more patients than they discharged.
Racial injustice. Medicine. scientific discovery. Henrietta Lacks deserves to be known. Spread her story.
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Skloot
sorry, it cut short.