
Ok it didn't work man I still can't do it I'm on a Samsung galaxy phone


            Sorry that I haven’t replied, my device had a weird update which made my thing glitch and I couldn’t view my message board, but I do hoped you were able to do something with a chapter? Sorry it’s been awhile


Hay so um I'm new at this can you help me out with something it's just I don't know how to make more parts for the story that's all


@Zapsnap what type of device are you on? Or are you on the website? If you’re on mobile there is a button at the bottom of your screen that has a pencil or something like that and if you have gotten that far then there is another bottom like the first but it says add part. 
            If your on mobile and on the website, sorry I don’t really know how to work the website.
            I also don’t know how to do anything on the computer cause I haven’t been using one, I have just been using my mobile device.
            Hoped that help you