
this message may be offensive
My sister just got kicked out. Literally a couple minutes ago. I have no one to go to or talk to with out me being kicked out also so I came here. Just to write it out. I feel like I failed my siblings. I wanted to keep them safe I thought I was doing the right thing. Maybe I’m not, maybe I’m just doing more harm. I really don’t know. I honestly feel like I failed them, I wanted them to be safe and happy. I don’t think any of us are though. Great now the cops are at the door. My dad is acting like a fucking asshole, and I can’t go see my sister. I’m sick of this shit, I want to be on my own living my own life. FUCK. 


this message may be offensive
My sister just got kicked out. Literally a couple minutes ago. I have no one to go to or talk to with out me being kicked out also so I came here. Just to write it out. I feel like I failed my siblings. I wanted to keep them safe I thought I was doing the right thing. Maybe I’m not, maybe I’m just doing more harm. I really don’t know. I honestly feel like I failed them, I wanted them to be safe and happy. I don’t think any of us are though. Great now the cops are at the door. My dad is acting like a fucking asshole, and I can’t go see my sister. I’m sick of this shit, I want to be on my own living my own life. FUCK. 


Hello, I don't know if any of my readers follow me but i'm sorry for not posting any chapters to my book lately there has been a lot on my plate this year. I had to move two times this year and transfer schools then we switched to online classes because of the stay at home order so it been stressful. Just recently my grandmother passed, on Monday. So i'm hoping you all understand but since i'm done with school I will try my best to update more for you all <3