
This account is going inactive... Aka. I'm gonna deactivate it...


we FINALLY reclaimed this account again. Well I did. I don't think the other admin even cares at this point. So, I thought I should give myself a nickname so you know who I am. So from now on I am Layla. And remember I am the nice admin. Not the one who spent a lot of time sending hate to Keefe roleplayers. Which I will say again had nothing to do with the people but the characters. I am the author of the Trampoline as well. But, idea credit goes to the other admin. I don't think she is ever on here anymore. Also, if anyone would be interested in knowing my main account PM this account. I just don't want people to judge me for what is in this account because most of you already know me. 


Tam and Biana are both on hiatus... My mission just got hard 


@ Matchmakerthebest  :(((((