
Someone tell my husband to stop aging whilst I’m over here under 18! 
          	Happy birthday 31st Hazza❤️


Can kids see ghosts / spirits?
          My 3-year-old nephew woke up from a night terror, so I brought him up to my room and hung out with him until he got unsettled. As I was leaving my room with him on my hip, he randomly looked in the corner of my bedroom and stared, waving as he said goodbye. He stared at nothing for a few whole seconds before returning to normal. Nobody was in my room; in fact, it was pitch dark. A part of me likes to believe it was Liam.


@ MatildaPaige  ❤


I was on my way to school when I heard the news. This is honestly heartbreaking, and I couldn't imagine how his family and friends are feeling currently. Although I do not condone his recent actions, I still feel distraught that he will no longer be with us. Words can't even describe how I am feeling as of now. Rest in peace, Liam ️


@ MatildaPaige  ❤


@BFly80 I’m completely and utterly incapable to even look at anything in relation to the situation.
            Rest in peace,
            Liam. <3


@ MatildaPaige  I had just gotten off work when I heard the news. I'm still numb. 
            Rest in peace, Liam. 