
No dice. HDD, motherboard and power supply were dead. with my final exams i had no free time. But i finished finals a few days ago. since then i have replaced the needed hardware and got my PC back up and running. Downside is i have to start over. Upside is i have the whole holiday season to do so, well after i am done moving. So i will be starting over (completely)
          	"Why not just continue where you left off?" you may ask.
          	"Because a wise man once told me that once something breaks, even if you fix it, it will never be the same again"
          	well the above statement could mean that it could be better or worse than before, but since i am more experience now then i was back when i started writing the book, i highly doubt it will turn out to be worse.


No dice. HDD, motherboard and power supply were dead. with my final exams i had no free time. But i finished finals a few days ago. since then i have replaced the needed hardware and got my PC back up and running. Downside is i have to start over. Upside is i have the whole holiday season to do so, well after i am done moving. So i will be starting over (completely)
          "Why not just continue where you left off?" you may ask.
          "Because a wise man once told me that once something breaks, even if you fix it, it will never be the same again"
          well the above statement could mean that it could be better or worse than before, but since i am more experience now then i was back when i started writing the book, i highly doubt it will turn out to be worse.


Pc crashed... lost everything... so angry... "silver lining is that wattpad has a few of my chapters backed up although very few"... lost 22 chapters and 2 side projects  I've been working on... technology does make life easier but when it fails... it fails HARD...


@MattBlom the hard drive can sometimes be alright, even though the PC is junked. Try and see if your hard drive can be recovered.


Hey everyone. i know I've been offline for quite some time and haven't updated the book at all since then. just letting you all know that i'm working on it offline and will finish the entire book before posting further updates on wattpad. this is just to ensure that there are no more major chances on the book like before.
          Thanks all and have a great day.


Chapter 4 is finally up and ready. sorry for taking so long but with the recently past semester exams and, the fact that my finals start tomorrow, i did not have much time to write. But its up now so hope it was worth the wait.
          Thanks again
          Have a great day


Well chapter 3 for The Dragon's Throne is up, brace yourself is kind of... uhm... relationshippy (I THINK) but you do get to see the other side of the assassin and two new characters... so lets hope that enough for all the romance haters out there (i'm one of them BTW so my inexperience in relationshippy writing may be revealed there) haha


Can I just say, having lions as family members (lol) has to be one of the coolest things ever!


@rskovach yeah but it wasn't a game reserve to start with. it was meant to be a lodge but some unforeseen events occurred and one thing led to another and before we knew it we were running an animal sanctuary. its still under construction as animal rescue and care/health take priority over building construction.


@MattBlom Wow, that is amazing. I can't even imagine what that really must be like. Good for you and your family for taking care of those magnificent animals for the rest of us! Btw, do you live on an actual game reserve?


@rskovach haha yeah it is. You won't believe half the stuff I've been through with these animals. One of the scariest things to do is wake up in the middle of the night to get a snack or drink. WHY? Because some of the lions live inside the house! haha I feel sorry for any burglar stupid enough to try and rob us haha