
I’m still alive apparently 


Soooo today's muh Birthday!! 


@chocfudgeO i guess I am for certain reasons . Ohh well not all mothers are warm and lovable tho so it's no surprise. It's funny how in my book one of my main character has a rocky relationship with her mum (only that there's some def. hatred and resentment there) but she adores her aunt (who's related not by blood). Well I'm sure your childhood was better than mine tho. Decent is the furtherest thing to describe mine. 
            True. But I'll gladly take honey-glazed donuts over plain cake anyday. Until I get tired of it XD. 
            Dwl ohh stop choco :p. What if the world decides throws itself at you....what do you gonna do?  Oh nice your in a book club. I've always wonder how those stuff works tho. 
            Naaah. If there was a charm class I'd be in those special ed-extra lesson sessions for 5 years . I'm awfully exaggerating but I hope you get my point. And it's ironic because this country is full of natural born charmers. 
            Well if you want to learn new things, there's  always the internet :) Tho you need a crane to do some serious digging for legit info lol 


@chocfudgeO Well that can be said about my siblings although we do talk now and again. But my mom? She's like my lovable teddy bear. Granted she gets on my nerves now and again like most mothers....but i still love her .
             I'm more of the plain cake with icing type of guy but yeah it's pretty much the same for me. But if I want something as a dessert it gotta be honey glazed donuts . Can't go wrong with that. 
            Can't remember when was the last time i went to a doctor lool. I just try to cut off some stuff, drink alot of water and hope I don't die . 
            Yeah I know exactly what you mean. Granted, I missed University a lil because I do miss meeting new people, idling about the place before class, flirting with the pretty girls (joke joke I can't talk to girls to save my life lol). But i sure don't missing the constant stress of getting assignments done having to study boooooring subjects in order to pass exams (which meant you don't get to enjoy doing fun stuff because that lingering exams is waning over your head). Definitely prefer unemployment than school itself loool


@MattRey876  "meh"? *Puts on inquisitive googles* well don't stop there...go on...
            What's your favourite type of cake btw? 


I wonder if anybody is still around 0.0 


@chocfudgeO Well it serves her right to feel bad. 
            Not all doom and gloom? Lool I think you need another hobby to help further distract you. 
            Well I mean your tea will always be safe with me so you can always spill it ;) (yes! I made an unnecessarily oversexual comment. Why? Because........bite me!) 
            I think we should move over convo to PM's eventually. I'm inactive at this point still but who knows wholl come across this lool 


@chocfudgeO lool yeah almost every office have their female cliques. And you know what's funny the bit...(I respek whamen so i won't say it) the chatty female plus the manager seems to only put on a air when they're around her friends and i think it's a tell too that she has to turn and look to the others when you confronted her and be str8 up blunt. Prob a easy show that she needs assurance/security from them. Simply that whole thing how a girl is all big and bad when she's around her friends but when you catch her alone she's a totally different person. Sad thing is not even age can remedy that sort of psychology. 
            Yeah that manager doesn't seem mature to me. You probably can give her the regular cold shoulder unless it's work related and have to work with her. 
            "Her and the bitch crew getting their just desserts" Ha! Desserts! That's funny.......cuz ya love desserts...and umm......and ummm.....(I need a drink....and some friends.....plz don't leave me choco) 


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@chocfudgeO That manager sounds like a prick. Can imagine if she stub her toes or break a nail and she wants someone to pay attention to her and she doesn't get it and she loses her shit lol. 
            Awww choco there's time like these where I'd give you a hug...but I'm typing behind a phone plus you'd more than likely fight me off :p lool (I'm jkn hun :) )
            Yeah I hate ppl like that they don't about you but yet still try to act like it just for the fun of it. Is like they secretly enjoy seeing you in pain. 


@chocofudgeO ignoring me  #sadtimes


@MattRey876 i prefer strawberries cuz im allergic to cherries. See?! U dont care at all. Hmph! 


@MattRey876 gurl u kno u aint sowwy :'(


@MattRey876 tht even hurt my feelings even more :( 


I have a issue. I can only see the first chapter and the last. All the other chapters are gone. I want to read this but I cant


@ernest18699 which chapters you want to read?


@ernest18699 whaaaat?? It's down? Can u send me some chapters at the end so I finish reading it at least?


@ernest18699 the book is practically down due to its giving way to the probable origin story (which is set WAY before the current book). The first chapter alone being up is a mistake so it'll be taken dowb soon 


Hey remember when u used to complain that you didn't have any readers?


@ernest18699 and you wanted to quit but we told you not to a lot and u didn't.


@ernest18699 Yeah. What about it? 


Show's over guys 


@MattRey876 yh, just so it can end abruptly :P 


@MattRey876 a show tht is non existent  :p 


@MattRey876 well go turn them in for a refund :p 