My Thoughts On Second Book Syndrome -
Ah! One of the most profound writing traps most of us writers face. We forget to remind ourselves that most readers/literary agents/publishers don't usually read our first book.
In most cases, it's our second, third or even fourth manuscript that becomes the true opus of our craft. But that in itself is also the trap. Because who has the creative fortitude to move on to another manuscript, when you've already spilt your heart all over a previous completed one?
Could readers say, "why should I read his/her second book when I've never heard of his/her first one?"
Could writers say, "I've spent all my energy, love, blood and tears on the first one. How could I move on to a second book?"
Well, oh writer, there is no easy answer. However, as an author with an undeniable fondness for the craft of story-telling, I must proffer a singular ultimatum for those with the courage to move to their second manuscript:
COMPLETE your first story, BEFORE moving to the second. PROVE you can bless your work with an ENDING.
It is then, and only then, do I say, begin your next story with all the love, anxiety, doubt and triumph that you have befriended from your first true love that was your first book.