Matthew W Harrill lives in the idyllic South-West of England, nestled snugly in a village in the foothills of the Cotswolds. Born in 1976, he attended school in Bristol and received a degree in Geology from Southampton University. By day he plies his trade implementing shareplans for Xerox. By night he spends his time with his wife and four children.

About Hellbounce

In February 2012, a thought hit Matt: ‘What if Hell actually did freeze over?’. It was a nagging thought, more of an epiphany. He pursued this thought tenaciously, bouncing ideas off of his friend and mentor, the NY Times Bestselling author and Writers of the Future competition judge David Farland (The Runelords) until a 2 hour brainstorming session ended up with a seriously workable idea.

Ten months of research later, Hellbounce was ready to be written. A year of writing during lunch breaks and bus journeys resulted in a manuscript that was picked up by pure chance by Heart Powered Publishing, and the contract was signed in November 2013. As of May 2014, the sequel ‘Hellborne’ has been completed, and Hellbounce was released to Amazon on May 30th 2014, with Hellborne released in July. The third instalment, ‘Hellbeast’ is in research phase.


Hello all,

It is my plan to release a small amount of my work on this website, to give you an idea of the Horror that is The ARC Chronicles.

For more information, please visit my website at, or leave me a message on here. I'm quite talkative, mind.
  • Bristol, United Kingdom
  • JoinedSeptember 14, 2014

Last Message
MatthewHarrill MatthewHarrill Sep 06, 2015 02:32PM
Going to be on here a lot more now. I will be posting all of Hellbounce here.
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