
this message may be offensive
Think Wattpad has a fucking adding images problem now, shouldn’t be surprised how a pieces of shit Wattpad is. Anyway, if you guys can’t add images to Wattpad, then use Safari to do it, like I always do before starts using the official piece of shits Wattpad. Spread the words until someone manages to add images to Wattpad guys.


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@MatthewPhan2 Woah, woah, calm yourself wattpad is not a piece of shit. I enjoy it here :) i'm having problems with my chapter images i'm sure they'll fix it. You have every right to be upset it is frustrating.


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Think Wattpad has a fucking adding images problem now, shouldn’t be surprised how a pieces of shit Wattpad is. Anyway, if you guys can’t add images to Wattpad, then use Safari to do it, like I always do before starts using the official piece of shits Wattpad. Spread the words until someone manages to add images to Wattpad guys.


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@MatthewPhan2 Woah, woah, calm yourself wattpad is not a piece of shit. I enjoy it here :) i'm having problems with my chapter images i'm sure they'll fix it. You have every right to be upset it is frustrating.


So, just a quick question, well, maybe too.
          1. Would you rather have a story with Sonic, Saiyan or a mixed of both and some others too
          Reason: from my Book ideas
          2. Do you guys prefer story to be medium or long? 
          Reason: I don’t want my story’s to be too short and it’ll be uninteresting, so, some feedback and comments will do and I can learn as well improve too.


So, some of you guys have noticed that I’m bring back two stories that I’ve removed before, now I’m not sure if I will ever plan on continuing doing it or just leaving it there as a reminder and like a poster too. I’m leaving it there if you guys or some people want me to continue doing it, on my own terms to try and make a chapter. Also, there was two ideas for my Ideas story that I thought of and another in my discord, but hey, that’s on you guys if you want to say something or not, not forcing you all to do anything, maybe some feedback would be nice as well some comments too


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So, firstly, I want to apologize for everyone who is waiting and expecting for a new chapters for any of my story’s, the reasons for that, I finally got a part time job to make money, lost my motivation, and still can’t fucking get a driver license. ‘How typical of you’ is what I might imagine for some people who expect something from me or not, don’t know to be honest. BUT!!!! That does not mean I have officially quitting Wattpad or becoming a author that put stories on hold like forever, it’s just my motivation is slowly becoming cease to exist when I first started to become a fanfic author like many others before me. I’m still here and around, as well chatting if any of you got a question or something like that. Anyway, I got something interesting after playing it for a bit, anyone heard ‘Solo Leveling’? I’m sure most of us heard it at least someone and the game has started like a month or so, don’t know, but the point thing, that got me a interesting story idea or ideas perhaps.


@MatthewPhan2 that will be interesting idea


So, I know I didn’t put a lot of work on Wattpad, but I lost the energy for it, going on with my life sometimes. Anyway, if you all could say happy birthday for me, that would be great since today is my birthday.


@ MatthewPhan2  Happy birthday 


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Just to make sure, is notifications working for everyone? I’m asking because of how shit is Wattpad is (as usual and unsurprised that is) and how much of a piece of shits it is to everyone when it comes to lewd and nudes pics.


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Ahhhhh fucking hell. Probably best for everyone to make a announcement so that everyone knows if a new chapter have been posted or not, or let everyone know check the story’s or authors (who ever followings that is) about this stupid fucking issues again.


@MatthewPhan2 I don't get the notification when I'm off the app, but when I check the notification in the app it shows me how many...and the only notifications I get are the sponsored ones


@MatthewPhan2 I only get them if it's for a paid story. I only get them from my email 


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I’m late to say this, since I don’t like it and probably hate it by now, but Happy valentine day motherfuckers, a constant reminder that love is shit when you have ptsd, and I blame my friend wolf, for ruining it to have a one shot of ntr kda. Fuck you wolf. And to all who got a lover, either boyfriend or girlfriend, enjoy the love while you can, because at some point, love can be a glass that can be shattered in a single fucking moment.


I get that some of you guys are doing your own thing, but if you could out a teaser that I made, that would be nice of you guys, some feedback and comments if you want, or even check it just a little bit, I’ll appreciate all of you guys. Not asking too much nor am I forcing you all to check it, completely optional is all I gotta say