
Hello everyone I have finished my edit of my first book and I have re-released it through Amazon, the Kindle e-book version of my book is available for $0.99 CAD and the paperback version of my book is now $8.38 CAD, the price of my paperback will also be $8.38 CAD once I release it in my local bookstore.


Hello everyone I have finished my edit of my first book and I have re-released it through Amazon, the Kindle e-book version of my book is available for $0.99 CAD and the paperback version of my book is now $8.38 CAD, the price of my paperback will also be $8.38 CAD once I release it in my local bookstore.


Hey everyone sorry for the lack of updates for the past four or five days but I didn't want to update with nothing and I do apologize once again for that guys, these last few Chapters are long as hell, so I'm changing it from one chapter a night to whatever work I can get do in one night! Anyways I'm finally done Chapter Thirteen and I'm on Chapter Fourteen now, so that means only one more chapter till I'm finished with editing the manuscript, then I can do the final touches on it for re-release!


Hey guys editing the manuscript for The Dark Streets, to prepare it for releasing it in my local bookstore this summer, I'm currently on Chapter Six of Fifteen, I'm planning on editing Five chapters a night, got the first five done last night, going to have a nap for the rest of the day now, I'm really proud so far of the edits I made and when I re-release The Dark Streets, the prices on Amazon are going down, the Kindle price will be .99 and the paperback price as of right now will go down to 7.72. The price of my book in the local bookstore will be 7.72, the same list price as Amazon. Be sure to check my other social media for updates and the new chapter will be up later on today!