Greetings and Salutations, my fellow brothers and sisters. Tis I, King Matthew of Reyez and I would just like to give you all my deepest apologies. I haven't been a good, noble and humble King for the past months again, my deepest apologies. There has been some complications with my real life and it collided with my fantasy life (WattPad). Long story short, I had to face the consequences, my punishment ends next week. I do not want to get into detail of my situation, so I'll cut straight to the point.
I failed one of my classes, and my mother was UPSET and CRYING
. Honestly, I hated myself so much. I've never seen my mother cry that hard. Those tears were for me, but I didn't deserved them. At first, I thought of going on and writing something about it but, I could just never have the motivation to do it. Just thinking about, it hurts me, that was five weeks ago and it still hurts.
But these are the hardships we human beings learn and endure through out our lives is it not? Sigh, what I'm trying to say is; I'm going to make up as much as I can to make this right. My parents act like it never happened but I know for a fact, deep down they remember. I will not be making as much updates as I usually have in my earlier days when I first joined this community. This is my final message to you, my brothers and sisters. Do not frown for this will not be the end, I will return. My name is Matthew_Reyes, I beg of you all to remember me. For I may not.
- Matthew_Reyez