
It's been a long time....
          	A lot of crap has happened, went through several Hololive Graduations, I can only say that we have went through this whole rollercoaster. Happy New Years, and hopefully 2025 would be better!


I wasn't sure on what to say.... I just found out about this right now. After Amelia Watson's graduation, now it's Sakamata Chloe's semi-graduation and now Ceres Fauna?
          My inner Hololiver is already feeling like they're dying as much as I don't want them to go...


this message may be offensive
What the actual fuck is happening right now in this year?!
            What's happening at Hololive because of the transition to "Idol" stuff? What's going on with YAGOO?


If I'm gonna be honest... living alone in my house with no one else to take care of me, existential dread eroding my mind and my faith dwindling because of my desire to know the truth of our existence in the Universe, and if this is the original, prime universe we're in... It's really making me wish my friends, relatives, siblings and classmates along with my parents are close to me, like really close that I wish that I wouldn't worry any more. If God is telling me that I can live through to see the end of my life's race.
          But it's hard... It's constantly reaching me in each and every spot in my head, the chilly breeze as I started to doubt if God is listening to my prayers. I wish that God would tell me directly that this whole reality is real, if this isn't a simulation or whatnot, and if he's hearing my prayers!
          And I'm an Iglesia Ni Cristo for goodness' sake.... I'm not sure if he's even hearing me, right now at the age of 19... and I still think about the old days, when I was younger... Like I refused to let go of it.... I really wish that I can somehow get my answers, and stop worrying that I'll be saved.


I seriously can't believe this but turns out WattPad IS serious about removing DMs. What good even is that?!
          Seriously, this meant that all private talks are going to be somewhat impossible. Can we agree that this is a bit of a terrible idea, or is there some merit behind it?


@MatthiasWrites That's why I opened a discord channel for my stories in advance honestly.


Damn that sucks... Well bye to all the roleplay I did 


@MatthiasWrites it's bad, some writers including myself have started sharing alternative platforms where we can write and share ideas


          I kind of forgot about certain details about my characters, maybe you can refresh me on some of them, should I ask you?


            Are you going to answer?


            Think you can send over the chapter here, so I can add it, I just made Senichi's part after the introduction to Issei, and I needed the perv's introduction.


            Okay, I think I got it.
            I do remember Senichi having two parents and 3 siblings, I think they are Hibiki, Aster and Shion, with his parents being Kiyoko, his mother, and Kei, his father.
            I don't know if they are the original names, but I think those are the names that I'll settle for.


Chapter Prologue: "Shinju - Devil's Genealogy! Discovery of an Answer!"


            I'm done with Shinju's Prologue. I feel like it's finally time for me to get to DxD Canon and see where to turn this thing.


"The show must go on!"
            Let's see where the story will bring us.


Shinju: While Kisho didn't do anything besides telling her about the aura thing, she merely laughed. "Hehe... No... he didn't do anything to me, Moe. But I appreciate your resolve to help me." She said as she pats Moe on the head, leaving her giggling from her affection of sisterly love. "Anyways, I didn't think it was a dream, so I gathered what I can find and string them together on that corkboard."
            Moe: Even though her mother, Shinobu is still in the kitchen cleaning the dishes, she's keeping her voice down as she whispers to her. "Is that why you put those notes there?"
            Shinju: (Whispers) "Yes. That's why I don't feel confident to tell them, so can you please keep it a secret?"
            Even though Moe doesn't like keeping secrets, she thought that it's personal that Shinju would tell her this, even though she didn't know that she omitted part of the truth just to keep her secret safe.
            Moe: "Mhm." She nodded.
            Shinju: "Thanks, Moe."
            Mind: ("I hate having to lie to her like that, but I'm afraid of being looked at for being different! Especially since I'm a DEVIL!")
            Silverado(Mind): "*sigh* I know you love your family, but you know that eventually, you can't keep it forever. Someday, it'll escalate to the breaking point, and you HAVE to tell them."
            Shinju(Mind): "I just... I don't want to lose this family of mine, especially since you died, Dad."
            Voice: "...." She didn't say anything as she read her books.
            Shinju kept reading to prepare herself for her lessons tomorrow, but Moe feels that there's STILL something wrong. But having given part of a secret that Shinju had told her, she felt that it was rude to ask her for more information, so she didn't say anything except for a few inquiries for her lessons.
            And thus, the stage is set for beginning the story of ["Irregularity: A High-School DxD WattPad Story"]. Now, as one would say:


Story Chapter?
          Chapter Prologue: "Kisho - Lingual Changes, Hybrid Friendship"


Kisho: "Yes." He said to her as he hid his two pair of wings. "And, it's a secret from everyone human. But since you now know about it, you're going to be a potential target."
            Imari: "E-Ehh-?!" She squeaked in shock. She's going to be a target by the supernatural, now that she knows that they exist?!
            Kisho: "That's why, I'm asking you to keep this secret and avoid any troubles. If you feel like you need any help, you can go ask my parents for a little help."
            Imari: She made a small nod as she grasped onto her Shield-shaped locket, trying to calm herself a bit before she promised Kisho that she'll keep it a secret. "I will, Kisho. I'd promise you that."
            That marks the day that Imari Kura, the Bashful Demonophobic Girl, would discover the supernatural, as she tries to continue with her school-life, but knows that it could get messy in the future.


Imari: "A secret? Were you keeping something from me?"
            Kisho: "Yeah, I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell you this. It was mainly due to your Demonophobia, and the fact that it has to be a secret..."
            Imari: "Kisho, what do you mean when it involves my Demonophobia? Y-You know that I'm scared from... D-Demons, the Devil, t-that sort of stuff...!"
            Kisho: "Do you seem to trust me? Are you sure that you'll still be my friend, even when I tell you my secret?"
            Imari felt nervous when Kisho started to talk about his secret, like she entered a hidden tomb that she wasn't meant to unearth. She made a gulp before she made her decision, she's going to trust Kisho.
            Imari: "I... I-I won't, drop my friendship with you... Just, what's your secret?"
            Kisho: "*inhales* *exhales* Okay. Imari, listen..." That's when he unfurled his two pairs of wings, but normally in Devil Physiology in Dragonic Deus, Devils are meant to have only one pair of wings, unless they are a part of the Satan Bloodlines! "I'm... a Half-devil. I didn't want to scare you because of your demonophobia, and to make you afraid of me by mistake... I'm trying to keep my secret, and there are other Devils like me."
            Imari: She couldn't believe the sight in front of her. Her friend Kisho, was a Half-devil, and he didn't want to make her feel afraid of him? Paranoia begins to surge within her body, wanting to report this to the church, but at the same time, Imari is trying to fight her fear in order to trust her friend. "(panting heavily)"
            The paranoia girl begins to clutch her head as she tries to tackle her fear, before she gets a hold of herself to process what did she just learned.
            Imari: "K-Kisho... I-I didn't know that... you're a Half-devil, and there are others like you? Wait, are you... i-implying that the supernatural does, in fact, exist...?"