
Hello everyone! Wow, it has definitely been a while. First off, I want to apologize for my absence. During the time of my previous writings I was dealing with a lot emotionally and writing started becoming something that felt more like a chore then it did something I enjoyed. 
          	Since being gone I've officially graduated from my college courses and I'm now working full time for a company doing something that I love. I've worked a lot on my mental health and recently I've felt the same draw to writing that I did before. That being said...
          	I've spent so much time away from Impiety that I don't feel a connection with the book anymore. This being said doesn't mean that I'm going to completely abandon the book, but I want to try something new for a little bit, something that I feel will not only start a more mature writing style for me but that you all will enjoy. 
          	More details will come soon, as well as the first chapter of this new book. it feels so good to be back, and I can't wait to write for you again! 
          	                                                                                                                                      Daisy <3


Hello everyone! Wow, it has definitely been a while. First off, I want to apologize for my absence. During the time of my previous writings I was dealing with a lot emotionally and writing started becoming something that felt more like a chore then it did something I enjoyed. 
          Since being gone I've officially graduated from my college courses and I'm now working full time for a company doing something that I love. I've worked a lot on my mental health and recently I've felt the same draw to writing that I did before. That being said...
          I've spent so much time away from Impiety that I don't feel a connection with the book anymore. This being said doesn't mean that I'm going to completely abandon the book, but I want to try something new for a little bit, something that I feel will not only start a more mature writing style for me but that you all will enjoy. 
          More details will come soon, as well as the first chapter of this new book. it feels so good to be back, and I can't wait to write for you again! 
                                                                                                                                                Daisy <3


          This thing on?


this message may be offensive
@MattsCherryTart  NO SHIT






The urge to direct my own short film or show is growing very large as of recently


I felt that in my bones omll


@clawingatthepage oh no I’m not actually gonna do it lol, I always just think about it. Tbh there’s a large part of me rn that’s debating on if I wanna continue my degree in psychology or if I want to jump to a film major instead. I guess we will see!


@MattsCherryTart ngl i'd watch it! if your uni has like a film society or something, i'm sure you can rope some ppl looking for acting experience! <3
            but as a law student, i highly recommend getting all your copyright licensing and stuff done first loool