I almost fulfilled my New Year's resolution for 2016 by being more active in life, in all aspects, working, volunteering, continuing to do great on college, participating in many different projects (mostly literary ones). I've traveled abroad. I even found the true love of my life (it sure is going very well for now at least). I also finished my Croatian short story "Ruski Rulet", but what I didn't do is finish "The Distant Proximity". My other duties, especially the ones that have to do with college, consume a lot of my time. Another thing that I haven't done this year is to read around 50 books and to read Tolkien's "The Silmarillion". Anyways, I can still proudly say that I'm more than satisfied with 2016, it was a year full of everything for me and I had a lot of ups and downs, but the highlight of the year goes to the fact that I have a clear vision of my future, I'm doing great in life and I know where I want to go. So, even though some people may consider this a bad thing, I decided not to be so strict to myself in 2017 and I'll try not to overestimate myself either. However, since I am a perfectionist, my resolution for 2017 will be to successfully become a bachelor and start the first year of master's on college on time, finish "The Distant Proximity" (which is more than a halfway done, the way I calculated), travel abroad again and to continue doing great in life and enjoying it.
Having all that said, I also have to announce one final thing before we venture into 2017, regarding my literary work: Chapter 23 of "The Distant Proximity" will be published before 2017, that is for sure! Stay tuned!