
I walk. Until my feet can’t feel anymore the pressure of the rocks underneath but I walk. 
          	Thousands of tree pass by me filled with memories but I can’t stop now. It felt like the reality disguised in a poor cheap leaf of a joke.
          	But it doesn’t matter. I walk to the nearest tree that sparkled golden leaves and flowers, a tree full of youth.
          	“Aren’t you going home?” She stood beside me looking at the way I leaned against the tree and took a deep sigh.
          	“I am home.” I said.
          	“For how long are you going to wait?”
          	“I don’t know. But I will wait.”
          	I look briefly at her then she knows what I mean as an understanding nod is making her head tilt downwards.
          	“Did you find a name for the tree?”
          	I closed my eyes and allowed myself to feel the emotion contouring in my heart.
          	I will release this soon. It’s something way different than I did before and probably many of you will figure the hidden meaning behind this story. If you found it maybe it wasn’t accidental 


I walk. Until my feet can’t feel anymore the pressure of the rocks underneath but I walk. 
          Thousands of tree pass by me filled with memories but I can’t stop now. It felt like the reality disguised in a poor cheap leaf of a joke.
          But it doesn’t matter. I walk to the nearest tree that sparkled golden leaves and flowers, a tree full of youth.
          “Aren’t you going home?” She stood beside me looking at the way I leaned against the tree and took a deep sigh.
          “I am home.” I said.
          “For how long are you going to wait?”
          “I don’t know. But I will wait.”
          I look briefly at her then she knows what I mean as an understanding nod is making her head tilt downwards.
          “Did you find a name for the tree?”
          I closed my eyes and allowed myself to feel the emotion contouring in my heart.
          I will release this soon. It’s something way different than I did before and probably many of you will figure the hidden meaning behind this story. If you found it maybe it wasn’t accidental 


Update! I graduate Uni finally and I will be able to focus on Frozen Hearts now. Unfortunately a bad flu put me down the past days and kept me away from being able to write.
          It will take a bit for me to edit the chapters I wrote before accordingly to the new plot I made for FH so just be a bit patient with me :)


Small update coming: This week is my last exam I got to focus on submitting all my documents and presentations so once I'm done with it I will be writing Frozen Hearts. I'm excited to show you what will happen


So next week Wattpad is removing the Direct Messages options, did anyone get this notification?


@NazMel258 from what they said it doesn’t really happen. To be honest I know it was such a nice feature but I personally didn’t use it except when I was taking in cover request mostly. I remember there was a feature years ago in which you could’ve seen which books the users voted and commented but as well got removed


@Maveea This is crazy. Where's the privacy for us to talk with our friends? Wattpad is insane. @Wattpad Honestly, this is unfair, Wattpad.


@Maveea  Ohhh? I thought it's because of spam and hate messages maybe jsks.


Hi hello :) the update for FH is going to be a bit slower for around a few weeks as I entered in my finals  and gotta focus on Uni more :’) but it’s going to come and I’m hoping for the first chapter to have it by the end of this week. 


Today the Prologue of Frozen Hearts is going to be released :)


@mr-savage20 awwww that's so exciting to see you here :') <3


@mr-savage20 and i'm working on what we agreed on


@Maveea i have never been excited like this moment


Welcome Maveea.
          Eagerly waiting for what you have in store.
          Well even I wanna write but a bit hesitant since I have never written before so I am afraid I won't be able to put and emote the what exactly I have in mind.
          Anyways, I am really looking forward to it. I really like fantasies.


@Makuna_Hatata Hi there! I totally understand the struggle because when I first started writing a book I was 15 and I had no idea where to start and how to do it. And I always tended to be a perfectionist over this so I always kept writing something then deleting and changing etc. 
            The start may seem difficult but you will get there! Practice is the key. One key point I've learned during this journey is that it's best to plan your book ahead of time if you are sure you want to write a book. Additional scrambling is good too and helpful! 
            Personally with Frozen Hearts, when I first published the book on Wattpad it was back in 2019-2020. I knew what I wanted but I didn't know how to deliver. I found myself stuck in ideas and unsure of what I should write next until I took a break, got some tips and tricks about writing Fantasy book from Youtube and watched some free writing courses. I decided to start doing research brainstorm put my idea on the paper until they were slowly connected. 
            I hope this gave you an impulse to start writing :) Sharing experiences is beautiful because you may get tips and tricks about certain areas. And don't be afraid! Just go with the flow!