
EL James is publishing on the 18th this month, "Grey", which is Fifty Shades Of Grey from Christians POV. SO KEEN!!! 


To my lovely followers, if you read any of my stories, please don't forget to vote or comment on the story because than that gives me some sort of reassurance that people actually read my works and it is such a boost and gives me the motive to write more. Also please don't be afraid to share it around, tell friends, post it on Facebook or Instagram, anything! The more readers the better. Thank you, I love you guys, your the best! 


To my lovely followers, if your into romance and drama and Tom Hiddleston, please read my new story Unbreakable. It is a really good story, 4 friends of mine read it and they love it! They keep asking me to update soon, so its worth the read (especially for all you hiddlestoners). Please read it, vote and share it around. Thanks! Love you guys.