
Hey guys it’s been awhile since I’ve been on this sorry summer has been an adventure and schools starting up but I’m gonna try and put a chapter out every 2 weeks or so idk yet byeee and thx for all the support!


Take us out of your bio mason!


No it doesn’t it doesn’t say Hoe_Patrol is my sister 


          If γφυ ωεrε κiιιεd,, I ωφυιdη’τ Βε ατ γφυr fυηεrαι,, I’d βε iη jαiι fφr κiιιiηg τhε ρεrsφη ωhφ κiιιεd γφυ.
          ωε αrε τrυε friεηds,, ωε ridε τφgετhεr,, ωε diε τφgετhεr.
          I ωαητ γφυ τφ κηφω τhατ γφυ αrε αη αmαziηg ρεrsφη ‘τiιι dεατh αηd fφrενεr.
          Νφ Φηε κηφωs hφω imρφrταητ sφmετhiηg is υητiι τhεγ ιφsε iτ. 
          Send this to everyone you care about. Including me, if you care. See how many times you get it back.
          If you see this letter, please send it to atleast 15 people.