@Maxiception No worries! I draw mostly for fun, so there's no problem with me making art of your story. I don't mind doing it.
Plus, I have to thank you for properly teaching me how to write a narrative story. This year, starting from the time I read your book, I've instantly started to adopt your ways of writing, such as writing in paragraphs (before then, I wrote in script-like format) or even mass-implementing expressions.
I'd like to draw some scenes from this book, but it's purposely for my enjoyment, I swear. It doesn't take up much of my time since I only draw about a few minutes per day. This said, please don't say that it is a waste of my efforts. I like doing those activities, and there's no problem with that.
But I wanted to ask you, what do you expect of this story you've built until now? What do you want it to be? If you have realistic expectations, you wouldn't just leave this whole thing here on Wattpad just for the sake of attempting to improve your writing, right?