@starieaa Hi, sorry i'm not really that active on here as before but it has to do all about the vibe that your book is giving. Everyone has a different taste when it comes to books, but most of the times all those people can be atracted to a book they normaly don't interested in. But it also has to do with the stucture that your book is build on, whatis it based on, how are your characters personalities, can they relate to most things mentioned. People will love to read a book that has an unique story/plot eventhough the grammar is bad. Take a look at some authors that say english isn't their first language but they still manage to get a ton of attention. There is a lot more to it than it looks but sometimes you just have to give your all, do you like the story of your own book, do you cringe a lot, is everything too relateble, what kind of feelings does it gives you. There is a lot more to learn, but most authors first books were either trash or mehh, they learned from that and thats how they upgrade in the auther stage. My first book was kimd of mehh but cringey. It was bad but I never touched it after finishing it, I want it to be like a remminder from where I came from. Thats all I have to say for now, so wheter you take my advise or not is up to you.