this message may be offensive
Anybody else find it incredibly irritating that men, more specifically fathers, are trying to say that they understand how scared you are that you could literally be killed because a man lost his temper because he “understands” that feeling?? Like my father literally said he knows exactly how I feel because he spends his life terrified that I’m gonna get hurt and has to walk on the other side of a sidewalk from women. Like what the fuck?? BECAUSE HE HAS TO GO TO THE OTHER SIDE OF A WALKWAY TO AVOID BEING SCARY HE UNDERSTANDS ME?!?! Men don’t understand, they say they do but unless they feel that fear of “oh my god I’m walking alone and I’m in my teens somebody is gonna find me attractive and try to hurt me” men don’t actually understand. My brother just freaked out on me because I didn’t want to wrestle and had made that known but he going so I had to push him away. He claimed that I hit him in the face when in reality he hit ME in the face. I’m so sick of the first thought when I go outside being “oh my god I have to be in a group with my friends and nothing deemed sexy bye the court even though a girl in sweats could be told she’s asking for it but I still have to feel comfortable in my own clothes and confident enough to scare men off because they don’t like confident women but I can’t be too confident because I need to get someone big and strong to protect me” followed immediately bye “oh my god I’m gay and use they/them pronouns why am I thinking like this??” All because men can’t be taught no men’s no, don’t rape, it’s her body, women are people too, even when I don’t even identify as a FUCKING WOMEN!! But it’s still real and scary but men don’t actually understand even though they like to think they do. In conclusion: Fuck rape, fuck men, fuck being misgendered because I have boobs and a period, women have rights too!!!