
omg. thank god u werent hurt. really bored. in class now. no more car accidents max!


Max here! Wow, nobody's posted here for a while. It must be because Chas and I have school now. Posting it a lot easier in the summer it seems. Anyway, make sure to check out Chas' books, I've read them all and they're great! :) Also, I'm writing a couple stories. I'm still trying to figure out how to make them show up on my home screen, though. I'm not much of a computer person, and I have a Mac which makes it even more difficult. I'll find out though, and I'll let you know when I figure it out! :) Oh! I almost forgot to mention, I got in a car accident today. Nobody was hurt, but the car was totaled. Chas wasn't there, but she SO flipped when she found out. I'm fine though, and so was everyone else in both cars. I just thought I'd let you guys know. Anyways, I'm going to go try to figure out how to work my book again.


Hey Guys, it's Max! (: I'm just here to tell you guys to check out our page on NaNoWriMo ( We got some pretty interesting stuff on there even though we had to shorten our author bio's to fit the maximum character space. Also, I've decided to post a daily quote from a book each day so make sure you check for that! Anyways, we'll be posting our first completed book as soon as we finish it (which won't be long!) so hang in there guys! (: As you can probably tell from both this post and my author bio, I talk way too much. But it's okay, because if you take the time to know me you'll know why.