
@mrsradkebiersack Always!!!! BVB ARMY FOREVER!!! \m/ *o* \m/


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@Maxride407 yes we do. I am 98lbs in average and about five feet. U long have longass hair or huge tits. This is a fucked generation and no matter what it isn't worth killing yourself over. I have tried killing myself twice but I'm fine now, and do you know why I attempted suicide both times? Because I was always being bullied for being 'emo'. It isn't something you should be ashamed of, you should be proud if it. Yes this is one really fucked up generation. No matter what they say remember these: 1.) sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words won't break me and 2.) suicide isn't cowardly, but you still shouldn't do it because its a permanent situation to a temporary situation. Keep showing the world how awesome you are not pathetic and weak, 'never give in, never back down!' - Andy Biersack


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@Maxride407 yes we sure do. I get judged all the time for being ninety eight pounds and being under five feet still as a teenager. I don't have big boobs at all and I'm still happy I don't know why people do this but all I have to say us that this is a fucked up generation, but it still isn't worth 


Hey I just started following you. I already think you are a badass! I love black viel brides as well. Andy Biersack (black, sixx) CC, Ashely (a guy duh! It's obvious and I don't why people say he's a girl, grr!) Jinxx (Jeremy) , and Jake Pitts. I have been listening to BVB, for about five to seven months. And I flipping love Jeff the Killer, like you he is a badass! Also maybe you should listen to Falling in Reverse and Blood on the Dance Floor (BOTDF for short) 

