
Topher began struggling even harder to regain control of his body. He felt as though he were a puppet struggling against the puppeteers grasp and if he pulled hard enough, he could wrench himself free. He slipped into vampiric superspeed and pulled with all his might.
          	“Do stop that!” his heard himself demand. “You are only going to hurt yourself struggling.”
          	He struggled even harder, Victor had no idea of how dangerous a vampire like Decadence could be, he would need Topher’s help. He stretched and strained and felt that he could just, barely, touch his fingers. Not enough to move his hand, not enough to free himself, but his fingers twitched and he curled all but the middle one in to his palm. Pain shot through his hand and the pain pulled him away from the fingers and he felt the puppet strings wrap even tighter.
          	Decadence looked down at the hand flipping her the bird and laughed.
          	Chapter 5 part 2 now available.


Topher began struggling even harder to regain control of his body. He felt as though he were a puppet struggling against the puppeteers grasp and if he pulled hard enough, he could wrench himself free. He slipped into vampiric superspeed and pulled with all his might.
          “Do stop that!” his heard himself demand. “You are only going to hurt yourself struggling.”
          He struggled even harder, Victor had no idea of how dangerous a vampire like Decadence could be, he would need Topher’s help. He stretched and strained and felt that he could just, barely, touch his fingers. Not enough to move his hand, not enough to free himself, but his fingers twitched and he curled all but the middle one in to his palm. Pain shot through his hand and the pain pulled him away from the fingers and he felt the puppet strings wrap even tighter.
          Decadence looked down at the hand flipping her the bird and laughed.
          Chapter 5 part 2 now available.


“I’ve little concern for your petty squabble with the other vampires,” Smith interjected, his voice quiet but demanding attention. “My only interest in it, is to find the stone. We know that Gorman had it, he was supposed to turn it over to my family decades ago. But Decadence took it when she destroyed Gorman. It must be returned. So long as your war ensures its return, I will back you.”
          Smith turned his gaze to the man at the end of the table.
          “We haven’t found it yet,” he replied. The traitor from Murder Erembour ran a hand over his immaculate business suit, pressing away an imaginary wrinkle. He then brought his hands together to steeple them in front of him on the table. Edward noticed that his nails were manicured and gleamed slightly. “Her servitor proved unexpectedly difficult to extract information from. We know for certain Decadence had it at one point in time, and she has never been one to give up power. She will still be holding the stone somewhere.
          “We know that she has a magical lab somewhere, and the stone can be used to channel chaos energy. Chances are she has it in her laboratory. Or stashed in some secret treasure trove. We’ll find it.”
          DV8ions Chapter 4 parts 2-3 now up


The compartment contained several books he had been given to study as part of his initiation into the murder. They included information about the supernatural and the way vampires beholden to the Lady Decadence were supposed to live their unlives. They might be useful. He dropped them into the tan canvas messenger bag he normally used for his classwork and zipped it up.
          As he closed the compartment he felt as though eyes were boring a hole into his back. He spun with supernatural speed but the room was empty except for the sleeping child. That did not necessarily mean that someone had not been watching him. He knew that Decadence was capable of spying on those under her through the dark arts she practiced...
          DV8ions  Chapter 4 part one is now up