This feeling won't go away
Darkness and sadness
It takes over all day
I need an escape from the madness
I call my silver friend
He slides over my vein
I can feel the end
My happiness I feign
@AsmodeusTheHiddenOne I just saw your message, and it brought tears to my eyes. I want you to know that they are gone, and I am getting better. Thank you for caring.
This feeling won't go away
Darkness and sadness
It takes over all day
I need an escape from the madness
I call my silver friend
He slides over my vein
I can feel the end
My happiness I feign
@AsmodeusTheHiddenOne I just saw your message, and it brought tears to my eyes. I want you to know that they are gone, and I am getting better. Thank you for caring.
Holy cheese sticks. I haven't been active for a long a$$ time, huh? Well, sorry about that xD I had to stay somewhere for a while and they didn't allow me to have access to the outside world xD
Chill, yo. I haven't been on in a long time because I have a lot of stuff to do. I mean, I have a job, I babysit my brothers, and, well, I've just been busy. So, sorry for that but I'll try to be active sometime.