
You know
          	I hate that I can speak up for myself 
          	Especially when it come to my step-dad 
          	Because if I do try to stand up. I just automatically just go with what he wants to hear as I don't want him to get even more mad at me
          	For context- my mom send me a text message earlier in the day that she would be home late and It was too cook spaghetti.
          	So I gathered all the ingredients, when it came to the Sauce there was two types of cans (ones called Four cheese and the other garlic and onion). I chosen the garlic one. This is where I messed-up.
          	You see, my dad likes his spigeaty very saucy and for me I don't really care tho. I didn't know he like that way till today as I was perfectly fine with just a meat Sauce.
          	Anyways after I finish and made his plate is when he got onto me about it not being saucy and a fact about me is that I am a emotional young adult(18 going on 19 soon) so I was a teary mess as he got on to me that I shouldn't even start cooking it if I didn't have enough Ingredients plus more stuff but that one stuck more...
          	So he found the Four cheese and made me put it into the sauce while I am trying not to cry as he told me to grow up and be an adult as I will be turning 19 soon. Which I know but that still hurts
          	After all that and when my brother and I plates are made and we sat down at the table to eat (my step-dad eats in the livingroom) 
          	He started making comments "it look like proper now doesn't it?" (He said more stuff but that's the one I remember)  and I could was nod as I didn't feel like arguing about it.
          	So after we finish eating he did try to "console" me by trying to explain what he means and give me a hug
          	Usually I am so down to hug him as he barley gives me any but this time I didn't want it
          	That's basically it
          	I do have one thing left to say is that
          	I hate when someone tries to make me laugh when I am deeply upset 
          	Like I know what they are trying to do but it just makes me feel so much worse 
          	Thank you for reading my rant
          	Have a goodday


… I CANT EVEN SPELL TRIED… *tried your best


You know
          I hate that I can speak up for myself 
          Especially when it come to my step-dad 
          Because if I do try to stand up. I just automatically just go with what he wants to hear as I don't want him to get even more mad at me
          For context- my mom send me a text message earlier in the day that she would be home late and It was too cook spaghetti.
          So I gathered all the ingredients, when it came to the Sauce there was two types of cans (ones called Four cheese and the other garlic and onion). I chosen the garlic one. This is where I messed-up.
          You see, my dad likes his spigeaty very saucy and for me I don't really care tho. I didn't know he like that way till today as I was perfectly fine with just a meat Sauce.
          Anyways after I finish and made his plate is when he got onto me about it not being saucy and a fact about me is that I am a emotional young adult(18 going on 19 soon) so I was a teary mess as he got on to me that I shouldn't even start cooking it if I didn't have enough Ingredients plus more stuff but that one stuck more...
          So he found the Four cheese and made me put it into the sauce while I am trying not to cry as he told me to grow up and be an adult as I will be turning 19 soon. Which I know but that still hurts
          After all that and when my brother and I plates are made and we sat down at the table to eat (my step-dad eats in the livingroom) 
          He started making comments "it look like proper now doesn't it?" (He said more stuff but that's the one I remember)  and I could was nod as I didn't feel like arguing about it.
          So after we finish eating he did try to "console" me by trying to explain what he means and give me a hug
          Usually I am so down to hug him as he barley gives me any but this time I didn't want it
          That's basically it
          I do have one thing left to say is that
          I hate when someone tries to make me laugh when I am deeply upset 
          Like I know what they are trying to do but it just makes me feel so much worse 
          Thank you for reading my rant
          Have a goodday


… I CANT EVEN SPELL TRIED… *tried your best


Hi everyone 
          How have you been?
          If you wondering about me
          My weekend could've went better 
          Sure my grandparents are down that is good, but qhat not so good is that yesterday I smashed my right middle finger in a Filing cabinet that I was carrying (tip of my finger is broken and I'm a righty) thirty minutes before I had to go to work
          Then today like an hour ago I gotten stung by a yellow jacket about right in the middle of my stomach  
          But other then that I have been 'good'


Hiii!How are you?I hope fine!
          I'm sorry for bothering you, but do you have time to check out my stories? 
          my biggest dream is to become a great author one day!
          If you are interested, here it is.
          I follow back too for help you because I know it's not easy to be a writer ;)
