
Guys, I'm back. I've been absent because I was preparing for university, now I'm free and I'll write you a lot of chapters. The update will be tomorrow but if I finish it early I might update today.
          	Thank you so much for reading my book and I'm sorry for making you wait. I love you all - borahae 


Guys, I'm back. I've been absent because I was preparing for university, now I'm free and I'll write you a lot of chapters. The update will be tomorrow but if I finish it early I might update today.
          Thank you so much for reading my book and I'm sorry for making you wait. I love you all - borahae 


Hey, thanks for following me, I hope you enjoy my stories and feel free to comment, I'd love to know what you think!


@fhsgctcusbf awww thank you so much, I'm so glad you enjoyed them!


@fhsgctcusbf hi, i do enjoy your stories. You are great author