Just saw an email that your next book will be released on the 25! Congratulations!! I’m super excited to read it.
I love White Dove and I got a notification that you updated it before Thanksgiving. However, I can’t access the chapter and was wondering if you could help.
@paradethecity I'm posting chapters and leaving them for 48 hrs before taking them down. Sorry, I might put them in my group page on Facebook and leave them there for 48 hrs. Here's the link just give me a few hours to load them.
I was wondering the same thing. I finally had time to sit down and read it and now I can’t find it. ☹️
Do you have a blog or author page that gives updates on?
I was just wandering if you were still on track to release book 2 by the end of the year or the beginning of 2018? I am so excited to read book 2!
Love love love "Somewhere to Belong" (White Dove). Any news on when the next installment will be published?
Awesome! I just finished reading it (again) and was eager to continue with Samantha's story. Now that I know, I will stop bugging you and patiently wait for book 2. Thank you!
@sharon4bern4thy Thank you so much for your input, I'm really happy that you liked it. If everything goes according to plan (crossing fingers) I hope book 2 to be published by the end of the year or beginning of 2018. At the moment (and I mean this in a literal way) I'm editing it.
Is there any news on white dove? I would love to know when I will be able to read/buy the book. I feel like I need to know what happens next it has been so long since I have read it!
Yes! You can actually pre-order them right now through Amazon, iBook and Barnes and Noble. Book 1 for the WhiteDove series is name "Somewhere to Belong"
Hi YellowCanary15, just wanted to let you know Book 1 from White Dove series is out for pre-orders and will be released on August 18. The name of the book is "Sonewhere to Belong" I hope you like it
Let us know when White Dove is published and where we can find it! I really really want to finish reading it.
Just saw that White Dove has been taken down because it might be published ... Really happy for you @MayaWilliams Would've loved if you had informed us about it though, cuz I'm here going crazy right now... Hope it will be up again soon cuuuuuzzzz... ❤❤❤❤
I am sorry for not letting you know ahead of time. It was rather sudden and the publisher requested me to take it down immediately. I am really sorry for letting uou hanging
Crossing my fingers all goes well for you and that 2017 brings new adventures. Cant wait to see if I will get the opportunity to continue to awesomeness that is White Dove. ❤