
Hello everyone. I hope everyone is okay atm. I know that everything is a bit werid and scary currently, but we all are going through the same thing so reach out. Talk to people. 
          	With that being said, I am going to start writing again so there will be a new book out very soon, it will not be related to the greatest showman though but rather, relate to Disney's Descendents series. This is something I started when I first started on Wattpad and I have never gotten around to finishing it. So, we are going to give it ago. 
          	Talk to you all soon. 
          	Please remember, to talk to people if you are feeling stressed, nervous or anything.


Hello everyone. I hope everyone is okay atm. I know that everything is a bit werid and scary currently, but we all are going through the same thing so reach out. Talk to people. 
          With that being said, I am going to start writing again so there will be a new book out very soon, it will not be related to the greatest showman though but rather, relate to Disney's Descendents series. This is something I started when I first started on Wattpad and I have never gotten around to finishing it. So, we are going to give it ago. 
          Talk to you all soon. 
          Please remember, to talk to people if you are feeling stressed, nervous or anything.


Hello everyone. Long time no see XD. I am so sorry that I haven't updated in like a month, there has been a lot of stuff going on. My  computer broke and it took two weeks just to get a temporary replacement (Whats happening with me actual computer is tba), I have started uni and I am about to start a new job. So it is all happening atm. 
          However, there will be an update at some point this week. I'm hoping Thursday night.


"Our Heart" will have at least two updates next week. I am hoping to get one chapter  out pretty much everyday.  Life has just been all over the place these last couple of weeks and I haven't had the time to update. (Sorry about that BTW)


OKay, I've been debating this all day but have finally come to a decision. For the next two week's "Our Heart" will be updated on Wednesday only.  "Casting Call" and "51 days" (which i have saved to a draft) i think need more planing because everytime I try to go write a chapter, I just feel stumped. Hope everyone is okay with this :D