Hello, everyone! I hope you're all doing well.
I'm excited to share the first chapter of my original story, "The Shadow of the Nile," and I truly hope you enjoy it.
P.S. Don't worry, I'll definitely keep writing fanfictions! I have plenty of ideas and will continue updating my ongoing ones.
Hello, everyone! I hope you're all doing well.
I'm excited to share the first chapter of my original story, "The Shadow of the Nile," and I truly hope you enjoy it.
P.S. Don't worry, I'll definitely keep writing fanfictions! I have plenty of ideas and will continue updating my ongoing ones.
Hello dear, I was wondering if I could translate one of your stories about Loki. I really love it and I can't find stories like yours in Arabic, so can I please translate one of them and post it?
I (someone waiting for the next chapters of little star's) read de-aged Loki, and after noticing a pattern, I came to the conclusion that you and Rick Riordan are my favorite writers
@The_Mika_6 OMG! That's an honour to me. Thank you so much <3
And thank you for reading de-aged Loki and little stars!
Also, I am currently writing the new chapter of little stars and it will post it soon.
@ Silence88 حبيبتي انتي على راحتج لكن خليها ببالج الاخطاء شي وارد جدا ومع ادق الكتاب وهاي فرصة مناسبة تقوية بيها موهبتج ومثل ماكتلج راحتج اهم وتكدرين تترجمين روايات قصيرة بارتاتها وبعدها اذا ماحبيتي الموضوع كنسلي ♡