Hi sweetie ..hu ar u... Are you not going to write anymore stories about Raman and lshitha aka IshRa and DiVan .. I am a diehard fan of them ..Call me mad.....crazy... or whatever else... . I don't mind . I never read any other stories ....ONLY READ STORIES ABOUT THEM.... PLEASE DEAR KINDLY REPLY PLEASE WRITE A ANOTHER STORY ABOUT THEM.... U AR A GREAT AND EXCELLENT AND EXCEPTIONAL AND PASSIONATE WRITER....PLEASEEEE SWEETIE DON'T STOP WRITING. KINDLY REPLY...WAITING MOST EAGERLY TO HEAR FROM YOU...... TAKE CARE STAY SAFE...GOD'S INFINITIVE LOVE AND PROTECTION AND GRACE AND BLESSINGS TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️