
I will be taking down my stories for now. I'm not really feeling the ships anymore. I'll be keeping the stories and the plot in case I want to reupload them at some point, but for now they will be taken down. I'm really sorry if anyone was reading them, I just don't feel like the stories will turn out well if I keep writing them just too get them over with. If there's any update on the stories coming back, I'll let everyone know.


I will be taking down my stories for now. I'm not really feeling the ships anymore. I'll be keeping the stories and the plot in case I want to reupload them at some point, but for now they will be taken down. I'm really sorry if anyone was reading them, I just don't feel like the stories will turn out well if I keep writing them just too get them over with. If there's any update on the stories coming back, I'll let everyone know.


stray kids and astro really said "oh you starting college and need to concentrate? well this ain't about you so"


I freaking love this XD 
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warning: mentions of sexual assault
          Please read all the facts on Kim Woojin and what has been released before forming an opinion.
          The following is my personal view on what has been said so far. I do not view my opinions as facts. If you have a different view, or want to share yours, please feel free to do so, but always keeping respect between people and opinions. Thank you. 
          Okay I want to start off my saying that I myself was not a Stay when Kim Woojin was in the group. I started really following them about five or six months ago so, although I know he left the group and used to be a memeber, I didn't really follow him at any point in time. Thus, I do not fully understand what it is like to hear these type of news and allegations about  someone you have followed, and possibly idealized, at any moment in your life. That being said, I do ask for any fan, or ex-fan, of his to read all the facts and form an opinion based on a neutral perspective, rather than your own feelings toward  him. 
          As for the allegations, right now it hasn't been legally confirmed any of the sides, so the truth could be either one. I am not stating that you should support Woojin or the possible victims, but do realize that in the case of the assult being real, that situation is more serious than in the case of the assault being fake. Please do not blindly support any side, but understand that the possibility exists of someone being sexually assaulted by Woojin. Always take into account the testimony of a victim, and believe it over your own image of an idol. 
          That being said DO NOT SEND ANY HATE TO EITHER SIDE. Although I currently believe the victims and not Woojin, I am not supportive of any type of hate send towards Kim Woojin (regarding him having sexually assaulted someone) until it is 100% confirmed he did it. The best thing you can do right now is to not support him in any shape or form, and to make sure his actions don't affect Stray Kids.


warning: mentions of sexual assault
            Kim Woojin is a 23-year-old adult who needs to act like it and understand the position he is in right now. It doesn't matter if he didn't do it, and it doesn't matter if he is shoked by the allegations. By acting the way he's acting, he is giving off the idea of sexual assault being a minor issue by itself. This attitue is completaly unacceptable, esspecially if you are a public figure whom people of all ages follow. I am not saying this because I am on the victim's side, even if I were to support him I would not let something like that statement pass by any means. 
            Overall, I want the truth to come out, even if i was wrong all along and it was fake. I am supportive of the right legal measures to be taken. Furthermore, Kim Woojin needs to delete that statement, esspecially to avoid younger audiences to read such careless words, and he needs to apologize for it. He needs to release a statement in which he explains why that statement was wrong and out of place and he needs to stop taking this situation lightly. 
            I can say with confidence that, if what I said is not done, and he doesn't regard this situiation properly, he should not be allowed to be a public figure and he should not be allowed to debut as a solo artist. He needs to change and understand what he has done wrong, regardless of the truth. 
            That is all I have to say on the situation. I hope the truth comes out soon, and I'll keep you guys updated on any other news.
            Please get informed about sexual assault in your country. Learn how to act in the case of it happening to you or you being a witness. Make sure to know the numbers you should call and please try to get said information know to everyone around you.
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warning: mentions of sexual assault
            As said, as for now, I believe a victim who might have been sexually assaulted. If the situation comes and it turns out it was fake, the scenario Woojin would be left with is the fact that he was wrongly accused of something, while if it turns out to be real, someone would have been taken advantage off. I ask again for all of you to take the testimony of a victim into account, and have it in mind when forming an opinion. 
            Having said I support the victims, I also want to talk about Woojin's statement on Instagram. Someone who is an adult and is being accused of sexual assault should not have released such careless and unadequate statement. Whether you support him or not, I need everyone to understand that that statement should not be supported by ANYONE, regardless of your personal thoughts on the situation. 
            The biggest problem is him refering to this issue as an "absurd situation". Whether he did it ot not, Kim Woojin is being accused of taking advantage of someone, which is not a light situation and even less so an "absurd" one. Even if he didn't do it, he should understand the heaviness of the situation. Also stating that the fans shouldn't "worry too much" is rude and overall disrespectful to the possible victims, and to the fans who don't know how to feel, by making it seem like this is a dumb situation fans shouldn't care about. 
            Moreover, taking this opportunity to promote his solo carrier is disgusting and completely out of place, again, whether he did it or not.
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warning: mentions of sexual assault
          (1.1/2: FACTS ON THE SITUATION)
          Hello again to everyone. With all the recent things that have happened I just wanted to jump here for a bit and talk about the Kim Woojin situation, to hopefully either help or inform any of you. 
          The situation revolves around Woojin being accused of sexually  assaulting several netizens (the  accusation was made by a now deleted twitter account), who shared their experience. You can read the whole twitter thread here ( ). Since that happened, a several number of responses have been posted online, starting with Kim Woojin personally denying said accusation. His "apology" (posted on his instagram account: woooojin0408) reads the following: 
          "Hello. This is Kim Woojin. 
          Today, I am suffering from an absurd situation… I am posting this to tell my fans about that situation. 
          Someone on Twitter posted weird rumors and then deleted their account… 
          I haven’t met that person, and I didn’t go to the places mentioned.
          My fans must have been very worried, but please don’t worry too much because none of that is true. 
          Also, recently, I signed a contract with an agency that matches me, and I am preparing hard for my solo activities. 
          My new company is preparing to take action against the people who spread the false rumors, and they will relay their statement afterwards, so please don’t worry too much. Then I will share more news about myself. Thank you."
          (I will comment my thoughts on his apology later on)
          Since then, there have been multiple claims and "proof" released about it, including camara footage, picture proof (of wearing the same outfit of said footage), more victims coming forward, etc...
          (facts continue under this announcement, PLEASE READ)


            The apology was posted a day ago, and the newest information we have on the situation is his new company, 10x Entertainment, releasing a statement that reads the following:
            "Hello. This is 10x Entertainment.
            10x Entertainment would like to announce our plans to take legal actions against the malicious false rumors about our artist, Kim Woojin. Ahead our legal processes, we wish to reveal photo evidence to make sure the fans don’t have any misunderstandings.
            (Photo1) On March 10, the artist took photos to upload on Instagram for April 29
            (Photo2) April 29 around 1 am, the artist taking a photo of an accessory while at home (He was home at the time of the incident)
            The information above have been confirmed by 10x Entertainment, and we will be taking active actions with additional documents against the defamation and spread of false rumors about our artist.
            We will do our best to prevent Kim Woojin and his fans from receiving any more damage.
            Additionally, if you could please send social media links and PDF files related to the false rumors through email (, we will use them as a foundation to take additional legal measures.
            Thank you"
            (pictures mentioned: 
            These are all the public statements released so far. The only information we have apart from this is the statement released by JYP Entretainment when Kim Woojin left the group a year ago, as well as the words spoken by Bang Chan, former group memeber and leader of Stray Kids, about an unknown person, who people believe might be Kim Woojin. (video: IT IS NOT CONFIRMED THAT HE IS TALKING ABOUT WOOJIN, HE NEVER SAYS ITS HIM, PEOPLE JUST ASUME IT IS BECAUSE OF THE SITUATION.
            More information overall:
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spare a new trails of whisper chapter ma'am please


@ invisibledeeds hahshshs I was actually going to but I realized I only have like 4 chapters written and I don't know when I thought doing such long chapters was a good idea??? now I'm too lazy to write more:(  
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