
I should probably thank you for adding my book, but I must be honest and tell you that the title of your reading list sounds pretty offensive. Out of curiosity, why are you even adding something that gives you this feeling:"Not Interested/Already Read 1" ?


I understand now. But probably you should remove the "Not interested" from the title, the "Already read it"  should be enough for you to remember what's the meaning of your list. Just saying, it's your list you do what you want to, it's just my suggestion, as to not make authors feel bad with their work. Peace!


@draqlasdaughter I meant no offence, and i'm sorry that I have offended you. It's just that I've read and browsed quite a few books on here and sometimes I end up clicking on a book i've already read or a book i've already checked out without realizing that i've already read or checked it out. So I decided to start keeping a list of all those books so if I couldn't remember or was unsure if i've read something i'd have this list to check to make sure. That way i wouldn't waste time skimming the first few chapters to see if it's interesting only to realize "Oh, i've read this." or to stop and ask myself "Have I read this?", i'd just have to check my reading list. I didn't create it to insult the authors of these books but I admit that i didn't really consider how they'd feel about their books being added to this reading list. I don't know if my explanation makes it any better but either way i'm sorry again for offending you.


@MaybeIShouldSmile hi...thank you so much for adding my stories to your reading list...it really means a lot to me...I would suggest you to read 'Man up,  Beam!' first, since 'The Comfort(h)' is a spinoff story and has few references to 'Man up, Beam!'...please leave your comments, votes and feedback as well...I hope you enjoy my stories