
So I lost all of my footage/writing from a draft of mine and now I’m devastated and don’t feel like rewriting it so it’s gonna be a short chapter until I can think of something


Okay so sorry I’ve been posting more recently on Their love is more than normal but that’s only because that’s my most viewed story so you all could show my other stories some love  then I’ll post more on those stories,Maybell out.


Hello all of my wonderful followers! I’m so sorry I’ve been inactive for so long! I lost interest,school was approaching and I was spending time with family. But I’m finally making time to post! I’m currently working on posting everyday except the weekends,now what I mean by everyday is spending 1 day on 5 different stories. It’s going to be hard to accomplish but if I have to take a break it will definitely be after I have at least 3 endings to 3 stories. This has been long so I’m gonna sign out for tonight! Bye my followers and have a amazing day or night!


Happy late new year everyone. So let me explain why I haven’t been active since November of last year. I was busy with school and I also moved to a new house so I am now done unpacking and I will be uploading more often. I wanted to say this before February and I finally did. Bye and goodnight guys.


Hello,If you're reading this then you either stumbled on one of my stories or someone recommended me to you or you're a follower. Well,This message is for everyone. Let me say what I wanted to. I'm currently making two fan fictions for a youtuber called Lazarbeam (Some of you may know who he is) Well,because I'm doing the fan fictions,I'm taking time away from all of my stories (editing wise) So I will try and finish the fan fictions quickly and continue on my other stories so they can be fully done. Hope you enjoyed this update :)