
Hello! I realize that lately I have been very absent on my account and I apologize. My life has gotten very busy so I haven’t been able to keep up with my story’s as much as I would have liked to, but I do admit over the last few months I have improved my writing drastically, which means I’m very eager to begin writing many new story’s and continuing past ones. Thank you for being patient and I love you all!


Hello! I realize that lately I have been very absent on my account and I apologize. My life has gotten very busy so I haven’t been able to keep up with my story’s as much as I would have liked to, but I do admit over the last few months I have improved my writing drastically, which means I’m very eager to begin writing many new story’s and continuing past ones. Thank you for being patient and I love you all!


Pray for Gordon Hayward!


Well during a basketball game since he's in the NBA he had an accident and his ankle was literally facing the opposite direction. It was gross and looked really painful and he won't be able to do anything for a while and my family is really supportive of him so we all were worried about what happened.


@SpottedBlur_13 ok thanks I figured it was that. I'll think about it.


I'm Seeing Ed Sheeran in concert on Friday! So Exited!!!


Thank you!:)