Hello everyone! Thankfully, I'm not dead. However, several more issues have popped up in my life recently. The reason behind why I never uploaded the promised chapter a couple Saturdays was because my phone broke. I usually write and revise my work on platforms outside of Wattpad, specifically JotterPad. This was also where I stored my notes for things revolving around stories. When my phone broke, I lost the e n t i r e t y o f e v e r y t h i n g I w r o t e. Chapters, plot, notes. Everything's gone. Completely. Never to be recovered. I now have to spend some time rewriting the plot line, adding more notes, and writing the chapter all over a g a i n. This time, I will ensure everything is stored onto the cloud, and I will probably start writing on Wattpad. Give me about a week or two so I may recover, and I'll send out a message a few days prior to the chapter's release. My apologies to everyone! I hope you all have a lovely night!