
Hi ❤️
          	I am once again annoyed because my story Diamond In the Rough got DELETED AGAIN 
          	And I'm worried if I try again, my account will get deleted too 
          	I'll try to send an appeal but with how they did nothing last time, I don't think it will work 
          	For those who want absolutely to read it, go to my account on AO3, I'm MayuChaaan there !
          	I'll send a message here everytime a new chap is updated !
          	I don't know who's the one who keeps reporting my stories, but I promise it's not that hardcore  and it's not just to make them suffer ! Promise, it's just a passion for me and everything will get better for them  
          	All the Love Cherries and love yourself too ❤️


@ Believe_In_Kunigiri_  :,( it's okay, here's a hug  


@MayuuuChaaan THATS SO UNFAIR *crying in  corner* 


Hi ❤️
          I am once again annoyed because my story Diamond In the Rough got DELETED AGAIN 
          And I'm worried if I try again, my account will get deleted too 
          I'll try to send an appeal but with how they did nothing last time, I don't think it will work 
          For those who want absolutely to read it, go to my account on AO3, I'm MayuChaaan there !
          I'll send a message here everytime a new chap is updated !
          I don't know who's the one who keeps reporting my stories, but I promise it's not that hardcore  and it's not just to make them suffer ! Promise, it's just a passion for me and everything will get better for them  
          All the Love Cherries and love yourself too ❤️


@ Believe_In_Kunigiri_  :,( it's okay, here's a hug  


@MayuuuChaaan THATS SO UNFAIR *crying in  corner* 


There’s not enough fanfic about Vernon that’s so saaad TwT 
          Thanks for writing about him you’re my life saver 


            Thanks YOU for writing them ! 
            And I’m already reading Vernon ff on AO3 but thanks  :) <3 <3 <3


@ Believe_In_Kunigiri_  So true :(( thank YOU for enjoying reading my stories ! It means a lot ! ❤️ But if you need more Vernon ff, you can go on AO3 and use the filters, there's more there ;) <3<3<3


Hello! Me and a fellow writer, Vermillion-Wolf are both writers here on wattpad and we were looking to start a discord chat for ourselves and other writers where we can talk about our stories and books and get advice and feedback and overall just chat. After reading your books, we thought you were a lovely addition and you overall seem like a pleasant person. Is this something you’d be interested in joining? We would really love to get to know you and talk about books with you if this is something you’d enjoy. Personally, I love your books, especially winter falls, summer springs and burnt feathers and blessed horns!!


@MayuuuChaaan Totally understandable! You can always message me if you change your mind. And I hope you have an amazing day as well! <333


@ GetMeDickedDown  Hi ! (*^▽^)/★*☆♪ Thank you ! ><
            It's an honor you thought of me for this and I'm glad you enjoyed my books ! ゚+.ヽ(≧▽≦)ノ.+゚
            But unfortunately, I'll have to decline as I don't have enough time now that I work and I prefer relaxing and writing in my free time :(
            But maybe one day I’ll come back to you to join your discord ! :3
            Thank you again for proposing, it meant a lot !
            All the love and have an amazing day uwu <3<3<3 


Dear Authornim~~~
          I cried. I couldn't help but cry. My dearest winter fall is gone. Whenever I have bad things, I read that fic and get happiness. Ah!!!! I miss you and everything!!!


@MayuuuChaaan Awww~~~ Thank you so much!!! Love you ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎


@Nine_LForever I'm sad too :((( I decided to reupload it like twice a week, maybe wednesday and sunday, but if you want to read all the chaps now, you can go on AO3 and look for my username MayuChaaan ! Don't worry I'll bring it back hehe <333


Hi Cherries ! I'm here to say I've reuploaded Diamond In The Rough !
          I knew Wattpad would not re-upload it since I made mistakes with this book, either be the trigger warnings or my tendency to be graphic. Though now I've changed !
          The scene will not be graphic anymore, but you know it's still happening. There will be warning in the beginning of each chaps too.
          I'll upload once a week until I'm on the same page of my other accounts. :) then I'll upload the new chap.
          For Winter Falls, Summer Springs, I will wait for Wattpad to re-upload it before uploading a new chap on my other accounts, and if you want to read it again, you can go on AO3 or Asianfanfic !
          I don't know how long it will take, but I'm hoping they review my submit and give it back :((
          And that's it for now, have a great day and keep loving yourself <3


Wtf winter falls and diamond in the rough have been deleted 
          Because of policies 
          I dont know what to feel about this and don't even know how to get them back here
          This is the worse thing ever and I need to go work
          I'm gonna have the worse day ever 


@ Jkey_Chan04  yes of course you can help ! I'm gonna do 2 separate submits, I think they'll restore back Winter falls, but for diamond in the rough, I am not sure, since my old chapters were explicit and did not have trigger warnings in the beginning... but I'll still try !
            Thank you so much for helping me ( ;∀;) it means so much ❤️❤️❤️


@MayuuuChaaan you should! Those beautifuo books cannot just go like that. I can help you appeal for them too, would you mine it??


@ Jkey_Chan04  Yeah completely :( I'm gonna try to submit an appeal, hope it goes well (*´;ェ;`*)


Hiiiii ! Cutie ☺️ i loooooooooooooove your works and i have a recommend
          Plssssssd could you write a novel where seongcheols is a mafia king who's obsessed with vernon and the later try his best to run away from him 
          Plsss don't make it easy to catch him and make it sounds more dominant and possessive 


@ jungkookie812  Hi ! Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed my stories ! :D
            But unfortunately, I don't take recommendations, I'm sorry :((
            I don't have enough time, and I prefer focusing on my own stories, but I hope you will find an author who can make your story !
            Sorry again !  
            Have a great day ! <3<3<3


HAPPY NEW YEAR ! ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆
          I hope everyone to be happy and healthy for this new year ! And whether you have a resolution or not, we don't care as long as you care about yourself ! <333
          I've also noticed I passed the 200 subscribers and this feels a bit fulfilling because you all got interested reading my stories that comes out of my brain and it means a lot. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING !!! >< For reading and commenting, for enjoying my stories and being hyped up ! <333
          I'm all giddy everytime I post a chap because I know it will make someone's day better :,D
          And it just makes me happy TT
          I hope you'll enjoy all the stories I'll post in the future in 2024 !!! (๑>◡<๑)/
          ALL THE LOVE CHERRIES ! σ(≧ε≦σ) ♡