
So I watched Hamilton today... so that’s where the memes come from. XD My favorite song’s probably “Who lives, who dies, who tells your story” or “you’ll be back.” Idk what I expected Hamilton to be but it wasn’t this. 


Hiya! How've you been? ❤


            Heya! Ahhh have you been having exams or anything like that then? And yass we do love more time to read/write!!
            I've been good, looking to head to uni soon I think. I just wanna write movies and TV shows now rather than work with kids XD 
            Sorry I took so long to respond - I only saw you responded in my emails. I get a direct notification on here if you @ me - idk why it works like that but it does -_-


Pretty good. School’s been a pain in the butt but I’m getting out for summer soon. More time to read and write fics! Yay! XD How’ve you been?


So I watched Hamilton today... so that’s where the memes come from. XD My favorite song’s probably “Who lives, who dies, who tells your story” or “you’ll be back.” Idk what I expected Hamilton to be but it wasn’t this. 


I think I have a theory about WandaVision and Strange’s sequel. 
          Wanda is getting out of control, and needs to be stopped. But how? Only person potentially strong enough to stop her would be Strange. In the comics, he WAS the person to stop her from her House of M rampage (the comic the show is based on). Basically, he made her go comatose, but all the damage was already done and couldn’t be reversed.
          “But how would he stop her?” you may ask. Kill her? No, she’s had too much of a build to be torn down so quickly. But! Magic is energy. The Law of Conservation of Energy states “Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it can only be transformed from one form to another or transferred from one system to another.” Let’s go back to the Doctor Strange stand-alone film, the post credit scene to be precise. Mordo is stealing magic. Namely, he’s taking their magic and making it his own. “Transferring from one system to another.” It’s totally feasible for Strange to do this with Wanda as well. This leaves her alive and well. Perhaps she could earn her magic back, once she’s more in control of herself. But the damage is already done. This leads to Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Wanda’s power set is reality manipulation, aka, messing up the multiverse. Strange is gonna have to fix it alongside Wanda.


And his childhood. They haven’t even touched the surface of that train wreck. (Really hoping they do though, it’s traumatic yet interesting)


I would love to see Nightmare as a villain. And there’s no way Strange DOESNT have ptsd at this point, between the crash, dormammu, and now the futures. 


@McKiwi_0819 oooo sounds interesting 
            There is also a rumour that "nightmare" would be the villain in multi verse of madness with like strange having ptsd and   bad nightmares about the 14 million times he dead and the events of IW and endgame and like wanda is like comatose or dreaming essentially so the main villain would be nightmare which will connect wanda and strange.
            Also christine is back as the love interest ;)


To anyone who may see this... does a post-endgame story of Peter Parker and Doctor Strange’s growing friendship sound at all interesting? 


I’ve got a sort of plot made. (Not to spoil it too much) They’re gonna go on a mission together but things go wrong. So they have to deal with the repercussions of that. Let’s just say Science and Sorcerery are like water and oil. XD