
Okay guys I'm deleting this account don't have motivation to write anymore.
          	 Bye Robbyn out once and for all xx


To anyone who reads this know I'm not looking for attention I just want people to understand.
          A few months ago I was dating a guy and like every relationship I thought he was the one I would've jumped Infront of a bullet for him I would've followed him to the ends of the earth and this guy is older and more sexually advanced then me I'll admit it is all my fault I was stupid and stoned and I let him force himself on me while my friends were in the room next to us I never thought to tell for help but it all happened so quick the only thing that stopped him was that I yelled when he started and after a few times he stopped and pulled away I have cried myself to sleep every night since September and every morning I wake up and pretend to my friends everything was great in my life I never wanted to understand what it's like for that to happen to you and you reading this don't want to experience it so please know your limit and never do something that your not comfortable with respect your body and make your partner respect you and if they refuse this then they don't truly love you like I said before I'm not writing this for attention I'm writing this because it needs to be said.
          I told my best friend from another town what happened a few day ago because I felt at my lowest point and I was ready to end my life I felt as if my world was falling apart all because I couldn't grow a pair and say no I cried in my friends arms and she told me it's gonna be alright and I believe her please if you know someone who this has happened to or you have experienced this tell someone you trust and they will help you stay strong my loves xx


Lilly got in an accident so she can't update! She wanted to let you know but yeah... You have to update the story you guys are writing