
What if...I dropped out


The frustration I feel every time I click into a book only to see "Everything after chapter 6 is unpublished because I'm publishing my book for profit" 
          like good for you, but maybe put that in your description so I don't get hyped for a book that's not on here in it's entirety 


hi! when u ever feel sad, remember im here.
          i love you. my pms are always open and ill always be here. even if we dont really know each other. i love you and thank you for just being here. im so proud of you <3


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If you're going to talk about an episode that just came out yesterday, MAYBE PUT A FUCKING SPOILER ALERT. because some person thought it would be intelligent to make a Wandavision edit on tik tok for the newest episode without putting a warning, in turn ruining the (probably) biggest plot twist