
Just thought I would let everyone know what's been going on, Maggie (who's writing the story with me) had to move suddenly to Georgia. Because of this we haven't had any time to really be able to work on our story for a long time. But,on the plus side I'm going to visit her in 20 days !! So we promise to update Understand Me then. :)


Just thought I would let everyone know what's been going on, Maggie (who's writing the story with me) had to move suddenly to Georgia. Because of this we haven't had any time to really be able to work on our story for a long time. But,on the plus side I'm going to visit her in 20 days !! So we promise to update Understand Me then. :)


Let us just start by saying sorry!! We know it took so long to update but between make-up midterms because of snow days and my friend, Maggie, being grounded it was hard to find time. But anyways we updated 2 parts and they both are starting to answer questions. You learn about Seere's past:) Anyways, don't forget to comment and vote! We'll update soon. Ohh yeah and also, for the title, we were wondering if we should change it. So, let us know! And if we should, tell us if you have any ideas? Just send me a message, post on my wall, or on the story it doesn't matter. Thanks:)


To all our fans! we finally just updated Understanding Me we know its really short but we have mid-terms this week....wish us luck(: Also, are you curious about Seere? The next chapter is going to be about his past. We'll update next weekend. Don't forget to comment and vote! Thanks!