
@Essaya yay! Happy to hear you are back, not the part where you got hacked. Of course I will fan you! Missed having you on wattpad, buddy!! 
          	Yeah, I'm fine now. Just trying to get the hang of things before I start back up on a schedule of uploads. But thanks for asking! >^___^< 
          	Hope things are great with you though! :)


@Essaya yay! Happy to hear you are back, not the part where you got hacked. Of course I will fan you! Missed having you on wattpad, buddy!! 
          Yeah, I'm fine now. Just trying to get the hang of things before I start back up on a schedule of uploads. But thanks for asking! >^___^< 
          Hope things are great with you though! :)


@desilisius haha yes i would laugh at them too. :p Well the plus side is that your name is unique! ^-^ Unfortunately I know a lot of girls on wattpad and off that have the same name. -.- It gets a little old especially in classes with girls the same name as you. But oh well, its out of my control. :) lol what happened to your finished stories? I enjoyed speaking with you too! :o)  I am doing great now that i have finally started to posted a story up. Yay! lol Hope life is treating you great as well! :D


@MeLipunkk loool omg! i was totally like ur buddies! XD i would laught tho if my friends name came in a textbook :p my name would never aprear tho so that did made me lil bit sad but its ok :3 melissa is kind of a famous name here o.O i know alot of girls called that! ;p
          umm not really, lately ive kinda stopped writing :o idk why... i did had a new book, called sweet revenge but its still in progress with editing :p omg i do miss my finished stories tho! anyways nice talking to u again :3 hope u doing well~!


@desilisius Lol it's not weird at all. I actually don't really mind. In elementary, I use to freak out and think it was really cool and funny when I saw it in textbooks. Especially since my little buddies would stop what they were doing just to look at me, smile, and point to the page. xD I still think its totally sick !! :D haha If course it didn't bore me !! :) o haven't really been on lately but have you written any other stories recently ? :)