Hello everyone! I know that it has been a while since I have been on here, or updated a story, but I wanted to post a very fun announcement... I have decided that I am going to start writing again. Now, I know that I have 2 Marilyn Manson fics that I have unpublished because of the events that were happening with him... However I have decided that I am going to republish them, and continue to work on them because I like the story like alot and I have many ideas, especially for "Before the Antichrist" But since my stories are AU's and arent all accurate to the real life happenings, I felt like it was okay because I wouldn't be mentioning anything about the allegations and I wouldn't include it in my stories
However, since i have gotten older and grown as a writer I will not be editing my past parts, not yet but you may notice a change in quality