
I haven't posted anything in foreverrrr. But I'm still here (kinda!)


In case you noticed (or didnt), I've decided to delete "Am I Enough" and unpublish "Beautiful Fall." 
          I started "Am I Enough" a few years ago on my old account. Then, I tried to get back into a year ago. But now that I have time to work on it, I've found that I don't want to write it. So, I'm sorry if anyone was really hoping for more--but it just cannot be. I'm a very different person from when I first had the idea to now.
          With "Beautiful Fall," I haven't given up on it--but it needs to be set aside. I might go back to it one day, I love how it has turned out so far. But, for now I want to focus on other stories.
          Which brings me to this last point--Go read Malum Virtus on @-sopemochi 's page. You can also find it in my "Check These Out" reading list! She is a genius author and although we planned it out together (and I offered editing suggestions), she did an incredible job producing the story. Also, follow her if you haven't!!!


You have 50% custody don't you forget 


New profile pic!
          Also, feel free to message and follow my Instagram account under the same name and @. 
          Second, sorry for being MIA--college is wack.
          Third, I plan on making headway on my stories (no solid dates atm).
          Lastly, if you haven't already--check out @-sopemochi and their new story "Malum Virtus" ! We have worked in it together, but most credit goes to her amazing writing. I was only the copy editor ;)


down play your brilliance again I dare you  >:) 